2024 DGR

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Thank you!

On Sunday 19th May, the global DGR community came together all over the world and celebrate in trademark dapper fashion.

Once again we had a fantastic turn out at Triumph Newcastle, we had an incredible  301 registered D.G.R  riders and at the time of writing, have raised an incredible £19,238  in funds for prostrate cancer and men’s mental health.



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We would also like to thank Sgt Steve Armstrong and his team from Northumbria Police for assisting us in the ride this year, also to Ged Tellwright for organizing the pre and post party Dapper Socials.

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Thanks also to Bernardo and Kris, from Master Debonaire who provided us with some stunning photos of the day.

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Stay Dapper

Finally we would like to thank our many valued customers for their fantastic support, whether you rode with us, stood and cheered on the sidelines or dug deep in to your pockets to support. We all really appreciate it.

Till the next time

Ride Safe, Ride Dapper

Team Triumph Newcastle